Might be a simple thing I’ve overlooked, but is there a simple way to re-home the ‘work zero’ to machine 0,0?
I love how work zero works for repeatability, etc. and once we get used to the machine, re-setting to 0,0 may not be necessary, but as we learn the machine, it seems like it would be handy for the X,Y position to be resetable to 0,0 when re-homing the machine.
I am not exactly sure what you are asking, but if you are rehoming the machine, the workpiece coordinates are not changed. These are stored as offsets in the controller’s EEPROM. As long as you do not reset the Work Home position and/or move the workpiece, the machine will carve the same project in the same location on the machine.
If that is not what you are asking, please clarify…
Yes, the ‘work home’ stays the same. Love that feature.
Is there a quick way to zero out the x,y measurements after you physically re-home the machine? In other words, a way to reset the ‘work home’ to ‘machine home’ so you can use the x,y measurements accurately to the machine.
Work Home for the X-Carve is the Left-Front-Top corner of the stock being milled by default. If you select the Center as the Work Home, it would be Center-Center-Top. That X-Y-Z for anyone wondering…
Since the machine sets the Machine Home at the top of the Z-Axis, you would crash the machine (most likely) if you set the Work Z Home to the Machine Z Home unless you are using non-standard GCODE.
For controllers that use the GRBL firmware, the Work Home position is simply stored as offsets from the Machine Home position. This position will remain precisely the same (within machine tolerances) unless the Work Home is reset.
I suppose I may not understand why you need to make any changes… The firmware and control software in Easel should do everything you want without manually manipulating the values stored in GRBL for the Work Home position. This is possible, but you would be working in offsets just like the automatic setting of these settings does anyway. Work positions are not meant to be the same as the Machine position since a workpiece stock can be placed anywhere within the machine’s working bounds.
Feel free to clarify further if this does not answer the question. Otherwise, I could make time to jump on a call with you at some point to better understand what you are trying to accomplish.
Thanks again for the reply. Understand and agree with all stated.
For the sake of my question, please ignore the z-axis.
Once work zero is set, the easel display reads 0,0 on the x,y coordinates. However, if you jog the machine back to machine zero (front left corner) either manually or by a ‘zero the machine’ command, the x,y coordinates would now read something like -3.2, -5.7 inches (assuming work zero was 3.2 inches over and 5.7 inches in from the corner).
What I am wondering, is if there is an easy way to reset the x,y display to 0,0 when the machine is re-homed into the corner if you do not intend to re-use the work home of your last piece.
Those coordinates being displayed are based on the last Work Home offsets that were applied. They will be calculated based on that previous Work Home position until Work Home is set again.
I think that is what you are referring to…
The offsets which are stored in EEPROM for the Work Home position are calculated and stored in EEPROM as the GRBL firmware is operating the machine. This is not something that you would normally set manually, but you “can” do it.
Normally GRBL in its default state will have the active Workspace set to P1 which G54, so you can issue either of the commands below to set the Work Home Position.
Sets the Active Workspace home position at the current machine position:
“G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0”
Set the G54 Workspace home position at the current machine position:
“G10 P1 L20 X0 Y0 Z0”
Here’s some info that should be useful:
P1 = G54
P2 = G55
P3 = G56
P4 = G57
P5 = G58
P6 = G59
To set a specific workspace, pick one from G54-G59
To check the stored coordinates of the workspaces issue “$#”
To see which workspace is active along with other pertinent information, issue “$G”
I would research this if you want to start manually setting things…