Problems with outer border deep cut

Hey CNC friends,

I just started a new fun project to create a Scrabble board. For testing my settings, I made a mini version, but I’m encountering a strange problem as soon as I set a detail bit.

As you can see, when I use just the regular bit, the outer border is cut all the way down to the bottom of my workpiece

but when I activate the detail bit (which is required for the text carving) the outer border is not cut by the roughing bit at all. the detail bit will take it and it will also not cut deep.

I just realised this while running the project on my cnc, the roughing pass didn’t care for the outer border at all, bit the detail pass tried to do it…
The inner pockets are fine as well as the text.

what am I missing here?

Easel doesn’t handle more complex cuts like this well. In my experience, it’s best to create two workpieces: one that does lettering and other detail elements you want to cut with the V-bit, and a second one to cut all the straight paths, such as outside cuts.

The easiest way to do this is to get everything set up in one workpiece, then duplicate it and either delete the parts you don’t want from each (or set them to 0-depth cut, which keeps them in place).

Then just make several passes as needed, reusing the same starting X & Y.

I’ve used this technique for a lot of complex cuts. It can even help if you need a detailed straight bit for some parts, but don’t want to try to cut something large out using a 1/8" or smaller bit.

Why can’t we stack different work pieces on the same 3d view. Some of my more complex jobs spread across multiple tabs It seems like such a basic idea that would make easel so much better

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That would be a great feature. Even just the ability to assign different shapes to different cutting layers and/or bits.

I’d love to be able to set up a whole design in one workpiece, and layer several passes that way.


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