It’s coming in way high. Which is also somewhat confusing as the bit will touch off… then retract way above anything in my entire model.
I’ve tried messing with the cam settings, even moving the origin and pulling the entire body into a new component group (internet advice) but still getting the same result.
thank you for a quick respond, I use the wastebord modle to set up my model on carvey’s wastebord
created two boxes 6" by 6" and thinness of .7 " inches use this as my stock
then the second box same sizes except the thickens is .6" where there is my model on it
I created the post processor with fusion 360.
my z starts fine from the smart clamp goes done right but all of the sudden goes up and start at lease 1" above the surface and starts carving on the air.
I don’t know what to do to the G code to bring the z right on the surface
thank you for a quick respond, I use the wastebord modle to set up my model on carvey’s wastebord
created two boxes 6" by 6" and thinness of .7 " inches use this as my stock
then the second box same sizes except the thickens is .6" where there is my model on it
I created the post processor with fusion 360.
my z starts fine from the smart clamp goes done right but all of the sudden goes up and start at lease 1" above the surface and starts carving on the air.
I don’t know what to do to the G code to bring the z right on the surface
Thank you so much, here is the breef description
i have
wasteboard for carvy
Opened this file
created a stock box 6" by 6 " thickness is my wood thickness .75 "
created the second box thickness is .65"
my model is on this box
placed it on zero Origin and move the boxes 5" on X and 1" on Y axis
creat new set up in Cam
choose the face contour
Choose the 2D adaptive and
created the post processes
here is the file ToBePosted v1.f3d (1.4 MB)
also same file with G code I posted here (1.5 MB)
OK, the Carvey will automatically set your work zero at the top of the workpiece, not the top of the wasteboard.
Create a point .75" above your current WCS, and use that as your origin in the CAM setup.
Thank you so much
.75 is my stock and .65 would be my model
I will try to do it tomorrow and I think what you are saying make sense
so sleepy struggling with this
I will write the result tomorrow in my office
thanks again
What you have done is with the modelled solid is to set the facing operation to match its face, not the design face. In other words, they wont meet
Changing to the above will remedy that I hope.
If not - which post processor are you using?
Also, using a 1/32" end mill for facing operation is highly time-consuming, machine time estimate 5h45min.
Using a 1/8" if the Carvey can take that (you dont mention material to be routed) will remove 5hrs off that time… well worth the hassle of changing tool
Thank you so much for for important inforrmation. I am using fusion 360 and use easel that came with my carvery. Going to try the advices and giving you the results
thanks again
I tried all the advices, I keep getting errors that my model is under the smart clamp. Which is not.
can someone be kind and creat the post processor for this model that I can carve it with Carvey
thank you
I use fusion 360 and carvey to creat the post processor and use easel to transfer the file from fusion 360
@ShawnKazemzadeh I can’t generate toolpaths for you to run without knowing a lot more about your project and setup. That said, all you need to do is set the stock and the work origin correctly.