Thank you, Jan, for the report.
All the best,
I click on “register the program” and nothing happens.
Use this page on our web site to email us and I can help you with it.
Ok, I’m back to this page.
I didn’t mean to hijack Phils tread.
So, this evening (after reading the pdf tutorial) I’m once again doing some test runs with picsender.
Everything appears to be going good and I can even speed up and slow down the feed rate.
However, when I enter commands it takes a few seconds to it to “take”.
Why is that?
I can see that the setting are set for English, but when I open up the grbl and look at the stepper settings,
it shows that they are in metric.
It’s because grbl has to run all the gcode commands in the planner buffer before the changed feedrate will take effect. It explains it in more detail on this page.
The grbl stepper settings are in Metric, but when Metric is not selected in PicSender, it changes to $13=1 for inch units.
So you understand the grbl settings better, here is information concerning them.
Man, do I ever have a lot to learn.
Good news is that in version 1.1f the spindle speed and feed rate is carried into the planner, so the planned motion has its own feed rate and spindle speed (AKA laser power level).
I won’t use grbl 1.1 because at the higher feedrates needed for our 6W laser diode it runs jerky. Besides, a feedrate or PWM override is useless when raster laser engraving photo/images as any changes midstream will show up in the results.
I only use and recommend to others your MultiMode grbl 1.0c.
Yeah, I was just looking to the future. I don’t use 1.1 either. Mostly because I don’t need its features and there is some additional overhead.
I will have to say that Sonny has done a really nice job with cleaning up a bunch of the code.
Well, I just ran my first surfacing cut with my brand spanking new picksender.
So why does the readout show all zeros for X Y Z when the Z is clearly raised up? (at the end of the program)
I want to make several passes to surface a piece of wood but right now I don’t know where the Z is.
Does that make sense?
In UGS the readout will show the current position of the spindle and you can make adjustment from there.
I’m very sure that I’m doing something wrong.
Is this the same issue I had the other night?
It’s not the same error, but it is similar. In the first issue you actually hit a situation that we tracked down offline, and then it appears that the serial port was closed when PicSender tried to access it.
In the second case, you didn’t have a grbl error, but it appears that PicSender was denied access to the serial port.
This is as far as I can go with it. Let’s see if @JohnChamplain has a better understanding of what is going on with your system.
Does this mean that I have an issue with my laptop?
I was having the same problem with UGS and PicSender on an inherited laptop. I verified using a new PC that it was not a problem with PicSender. I did a clean install of Windows 7, because that is what I had available, and I have not encountered any problems so far.
Can you tell me what you were doing or clicked on when the message appeared?
This is actually a message from Windows and not from PicSender, indicating that perhaps some USB fault has occurred. If it happens again, click on the ‘Details’ button, copy and paste all the message in an email to me at . Of course, replace the “AT” with a “@”.
As my primary guess, it is possible that your laptop is configured to turn off power to the USB posts after a period of inactivity. If you need help checking for this or properly configuring the USB power settings, let us know.
So my next test was to restart picsender and simply run the X unlock.
That should allow me to move the machine anywhere that I want and then zero out any one or all three axis.
However, when I do that, I sent a Y move of -1inch.
The machine absolutely crawled ~12 inches and then stopped.
I cannot run the program without always running the homing cycle fist.
Sorry I guess we were typing at the same time.
I’m trying to Surface the bottom of a piece of wood.
When the program is complete, the readout shows all zeros.
However the Z is raised up.
So I have no idea where it is and therefore cannot reset a new depth for the next cut.
In my line of thinking, when the program is complete, and the machine goes back to X and Y zero,
It should also show me where the Z zero is. even if it is raised up from the surface.
When I run a program in UGS, and it finishes, I get a readout of X-0, Y-0, Z-.5
With that information I can make an adjustment of (lets say .025), re-zero the Z axis and re-run the program to cut that much deeper.
I hope that I’m explaining myself.
When I was having the same problems under Windows 10, I found that changing the USB power settings did not help my situation, but then again each PC behaves differently
Sorry to butt in here, I know you have some great guys helping you, but did you happen to start Easel or Universal G-Code sender or anything else that might have taken control of the comm port? If not…good luck…you will get this figured out. If you did, that would explain the error.