So I decided to give PicSender a try - downloaded the latest version, but it refuses to recognize the COM port.
I double checked with Easel and Chilipeppr and they see COM5 115200 fine. I made sure to shut them both down so there is no resource being held up by them before trying PicSender again.
Thanks @LarryM@RobertCanning & @MarcCohen for trying to help Steve with PicSender. I had to get away from this PC for awhile.
The only thing I can think of other than what has already been suggested, we found one version of grbl 9j that PicSender will not connect to and it’s the hex download on this inventables support page.
i just tested it here again and PicSender comes up with this message.
@SteveCarter is that the version of grbl 9j firmware your using?
If you follow the Link on that support page to the inventables Fork on Github, the 1.0c grbl hex download will connect with PicSender without any issues.