I sent this email to support, I share as it can affect you as well.
I bought my XCarve in 2021. My Pro subscription expired a couple days ago. I was about to buy a 3 year subscription again today. I logged in to my account, opened my “Mona” project.
I removed two workpieces as they were from some old project. When I selected the 2nd panel (if you open) letters and a butterfly shape disappeared. Ok, so I am here with lost work. I really don’t want to pay you 600 bucks until it is solved. I used Easel for 3 years, it had hiccups, I took that, I helped people on your forums, but I never lost work. Please restore my project from your archive (it is ok to restore those deleted workpieces as well, I will take care of that later) before 2/9/2025…
I think the issue is that if someone is not a subscriber for Pro AND a workpiece contains something that can be carved only with PRO, you make it disappear. That is not good, to make it disappear. I cannot carve it out, that is fine, but you modifying it is not. In my particular case I showed the project to my wife and I was then paid and carved. Now your mistake delays it…
All in all, please restore the project and let me know.
Thank you, name
Did you get a reply? Did it get restored?
It’s Sunday, so not yet, that is ok
Hi Vilmos,
I’m very sorry to hear you’ve lost some of your work. Our support team will be happy to help you out. I do want to quickly clarify that losing access to Easel Pro will not cause you to lose any work. It will only prevent you from being able to carve projects with pro features.
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Thank you. CJ wrote me. Let’s hope it will be resolved.
I would think that too, that it should not change. Once restored, I save it and will experiment on the copy, if I can figure out what cause the loss.
For example, now I logged into my account on ly laptop, NO XCarve connected, I don’t see an expiration notice. Does it come up only on the PC connected to the XCarve?
Turned out, when I opened my laptop, that had an earlier version of the project open, overwrote the version I created later on my desktop. Lesson learnt: don’t use multiple computers to edit the same project.
Oof, that’s good to know. Seems like Easel should be tracking a version number alongside the project, and if the one on the server is newer than the one being saved, reject (or notify) the attempted overriding. (Edit: Looks like it already does that!)
I know I have been thinking about getting a dedicated machine attached to my X-Carve Pro so I wouldn’t have to drag the laptop down there for every cut (and so I could run my laser simultaneously if I wanted).
Hello @VilmosKertesz ,
You can use multiple computers to edit the same Easel project. Only the Easel session opened with the most recent computer or browser window is allowed to save changes.
Easel will warn you that the version of project you have opened in the older browser is out of date, and prevent you from overwriting new changes.
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I don’t remember seeing this screen, but:
- I lost my car key somewhere and a special part in my lab last week, so I would not trust my memory 100%
- Tested now, you are right, it works like that. I also remember seeing that warning rectangle beside the name of the project… So I guess that screen did come up.
Thanks for the details.
If I could suggest two things as we are talking already:
Beside of Make a copy, you should have a menu item called Save as… That would do the same but you would already specify the name of the new project. Thanks. It should not be too hard in your code, a couple Ctrl+C/V, the functionality is already there. Let me know if you will do it.
Once you pause a project, you do know where you are in the GCode. There should be an option to Save remaining GCode then drill would go up (Z=original elevated height) and back to 0,0,original elevated height then to 0,0,0. The Save remaining GCode would have the remaining code and 0,0,0 to 0,0,original elevated height and lastX,lastY,original elevated height and lastX,lastY,lastZ before that. Sometimes a project is very long (say 3D carving) and we want to shut down the PC and restarting the next day. I hacked it a while ago, I made a GCode that I wrote down here from, and I had a version that split the GCode as well for smaller pieces, but those are hacks… It would be great to have an official version
PS: I have many inventions, patents and license products on the market, I intended these suggestions as additions, they are not criticism of your product. Easel is great and easy to use.