Does any one have a good way to paint engraved letters for a clean look ? Here is what I have been doing so far …
1.make my carve
2.spray the entire piece with about 2-3 coats of semi gloss polyurethane
3.let polyurethane dry
4.paint letting with one shot sign paint
5.let paint dry
6.sand the surface
This does an ok job but not perfect sometimes I can still see a bit of pint bleed on the edge of the carve . Also when staining after sanding I get some weird ugly looking splotches/spots the stain just doesn’t have a nice consistent look as to staining a piece without ever spraying polyurethane on it. Even though I try to sand all the poly off
For bare of stained wood that I carve letters in, I use Phil’s method with shellac, then a good oil paint. Before the paint drys wipe away with a rag with mineral spirits on it, then wipe again with a dry rag. After it dries go back over and wipe again to get any small details you missed
For wood that is painted before I carve, I use oramask 813. Best masking film I’ve used. No need to sand, just peel the film off then clear coat. Oramask leaves no sticky residue behind.
For what it’s worth, I just tried the masking that Inventables sells. I put over new, but cured paint, and used a roller to press it on good. It was a worthless exercise. I may try some other masking in the future, but I can’t recommend this one.
I have been a professional engraver for years with mini CNC type xyz axis but just for cutting metals. Coloring can be tricky. Check out Johnson Plastics “Engravers Bible”. It’s free online on their site and has many fill and engraving techniques/tricks.
I see what you are doing as popular but you may want to get a syringe and craft paint and try the injection method mentioned. This works well with metals
I hope this helps friend!
Yes you are right, on wood and as described its not practical if you have to fill up a deep large sign.
I’d love to hear what works best. I want to do some local lakes maps.
I think the spray and sand will be great. Do check out the Johnsons
Engravers bible. They cover most materials.
Thanks for your reply to my suggestion
Have a nice weekend
I do the same with good results. However instead of Poly I use wax free shellac. It penetrates a lot more than poly and you can apply any type of paint onto it. Oil base, water base etc. You do not get bleed thru.
Come to Kentucky. This spring we had 35° one day, next day 75°, snow, rain, and tornado warning…all in a 24 hour period lol. Then back to freezing temps. That happened 3-4 times