I am hoping that someone could guide me and assist / show me, where I am going wrong.
I downloaded the following jellery box from the projects section of inventables and modified it a small amount to suit my needs. I carve the top of the box with a 2.5D carving.
The problem is, one edge is jagged and not cut in a nice curve.
On the third pass of the right ellipse, it does show some strange activity. When you watch the simulation, at about 75% through, it starts cutting segments and retracting. That would make it look jagged.
In what way did you modify the original project? Is it only the 2.5D design on the top, or did you change the size/shape of the box in some way?
Thank you for the two comments and the last picture. This last picture actually shows what is happening. All those segments and retracting is how it shows up on the wood. I have improved it by hand but you can still see it on the following photo.
I think it happened when you resized it… there may be a very thin excess material between the different layered ellipses that only partly gets removed, and Easel is trying to preserve those remnants.
If you have been using it for years it’s likely "missed steps " have you checked belt tensions since building your machine ? Have you checked the set screws in pulleys if applicable ? All of these things require maintenance I normally tear down and clean my machine every 6 months , I replace and or re tension all belts and chevk v-wheels and set screws for tightness , when you built your machine did you use blue loctite on everything? If your carving in hardwood is it the first time? , carving hardwoods requires slower feed rates , it definitely looks like missed steps or loose bit to me …
I did these little boxes a few weeks ago in both hardwood (teak) and in soft wood (pine)
The " missed steps" occur in the same place in both materials.
The “missed steps” have only occur on these two boxes and not on any other carvings in both hardwood and soft wood since.
I keep my xcarve relatively clean , v-wheels cleaned most days…I have a good dust removal system on the xcarve which keeps the machine, kind of clean
I used loctite where i thought appropirate and I don’t think any thing is lose. As i use small bits (1.5, 2 and 3mm) when i use Easel, I use their conservative feed rates. When i use Vcarve I turn theirs down to an extent that I am happy with and not break the bit
I flick the belts once a week, mainly for peace of mind to hear if the belts are tensioned.
but as said, previously, the machine runs normal on all other carves, except those two boxes.
I think i am accepting Kimberly’s advise and I will go back in, when I have time, and do a carve on one that is not resized, and see what happens.
Thank you all for your advice…it has been a good discussion and you have shown me other things to think about
I had many problems similar what u exposed. My problem was the screws from the X axis pulleys, they got lost. I couldn’t see it, cause they are hidden, so I put a bigger ones.