I see that now the standard spindle shipping with the x-carve is the Dewalt router. Good move.
Question - has Inventables made any design modifications to the makerslide extrusions to stiffen the axes like so many have done to handle the weight? Or are the stock machines still coming with the immediate need to modify?
I still haven’t installed my Dewalt router, though it is sitting on a shelf in the shop. I am too chicken so far to do the stiffening mod. Honestly, I just don’t want to disassemble anything, because I know myself, and I may never get around to reassembling it! So I’m still on the old stock spindle, running like a champ, but slow.
Answer: We have not made any modifications to the makerslide extrusions. The stock machines do not require modifications to function but some people in the community have decided to stiffen them up. We are looking into different accessories we can design for this but nothing has been announced.
We ran the Dewalt in our workshop without the mod and I cut out a number of signs in wood and MDF.
I’d be interested in hearing feedback from the community on those running with the Dewalt 611 with and without the mod. What kind of feedback can you give @StevenPaxman?
I have had the Dewalt since I built my machine, I have been cutting wood and MDF with very good success for a few months now without the stiffening mod. For wood, I have had no reason to stiffen up the axis.
I’ll be honest. I had the stock spindle upgraded to the dewalt.
Without any stiffening done to it, I ended up with some chatter and other issues very small issues, but none the less. After putting a steel bar between the maker slides and L brackets on the X axis to the waste board it eliminated 99% of that.
I believe that as is, with no stiffening mod, it is still a fine machine. As long as you don’t go too fast on the router and burn out a bit like I did. But with the mod it allows for slightly cleaner/professional results.
I have been running the Dewalt without any modifications to the xcarve and so far things are just fine. Only time I run into ‘nervous moments’ is when I raise the inches per minute too high through a hardwood like oak, particularly when running cross grain, and you can watch the unit ‘bend’ when cutting through the wood. However, never enough to skip a step or lose path. Watching and testing it, I simply back down the inches per minute to avoid risk.
Otherwise, all good.
Reading all the posts, it’s tempting to want to add strength mods and push the unit, however, I haven’t found with the type of work I am doing (wood) that it is necessary. I’m going to exercise patience and wait until/if Inventables produces a branded mod and purchase it at that time.
It is working without stiffing, also I don’t understand some guys are so anxious. I don’t see any reason to race on the work surface. I always give extra time for having perfect cuts. Never go more than 60 ipm w/.15 inch dept. takes only couple more turns, and it pays. I don’t want to kill the machine I paid for. My2c.
That’s interesting. I really never go over 50 or so ipm even WITH the stiffening mod. But I cut at least .125" per pass too. I keep meaning to try a super fast, super shallow cut like some of the others, but haven’t had time.
Depends on what kind of wood it is, as well as how quality bit you’re using also. Climb versus Conventional, Router RPM. You know all these gizmos I’m sure. Only one important point is when starts chattering, I raise RPM. If it’s chattering, means either you’re working on hard wood or plywood have some glues in it. If you lower down Feed Rate, you start risking your Bit, you see black edges on it. The bottom line is, Playing with RPM and cut depth is always good practice for the equipment you have. I’m not going to give you name, I know 1000 X 1200 mm machine cuts door panels with 300 ipm and .5 dept. Also same machine cuts Aluminum like a butter without any lubrication cost the fortune price. The fact is not to push maximums, take time. That’s always I do. I don’t remember on any advertisement for X-Carve giving promise to do miracles. You and other pros already know this, I wish every X-Carve users take it slow not to spend time fixing machine and replacing broken bits.
The new X-Carve Picture with Dewalt is wired wrong. With that wire configuration, X axis doesn’t go any further than what is shown, or start pulling Dewalt Cable attached to Drag chain with cable ties.
What is the slow speed/ fast speed? Is there a guide to show where/what rates work best for which routers/bits/woods? I’m feeling overwhelmed by all of the settings that I’m uncomfortable changing, without any reasoning whatsoever. I’m just shooting in the dark regarding spindle rates and feeds. Thank you for any advice! I’m using a 1000m. x 1000m xcarve with dewalt 611 router. I am new to the cnc world and have been tinkering with the machine for a few weeks.
Just keep the speed setting of the 611 low (under 2) for most bits (the lowest speed on the 611 in about 16,000 rpm), keep your Depth of Cut to about half the bit diameter and keep your feedrate at about 60 ipm and you will be fine for most woods. For MDF you can increase the feedrate to about 90 ipm. You can keep the bottom of pockets really smooth using a flat bottom endmill and stepover of about 20 to 30 percent.
Get yourself some downcut, bits and some compression bts and see how that they make a difference in the quality of your cuts.
I used aluminum T from McMaster Carr. Performed this upgrade on day one so no experience without it. I have been given excellent results with no chatter. I would perform this amid again.