So, with some help from some other friendly people. I was able to start my new waste board project! I went with mic6 aluminum plate, .313 thick. I layed out, drilled, and actually used a router with a bushing and jig to get the mounting holes on the perimeter. With that, I used the CNC itself to spot drill my hole layout. I went with a 1" spacing with a 31x31 row pattern. Making only 961 holes to drill and tap… What did I get myself in to… Haha
Yea, wasn’t cheap. I ordered it through work and had to have it shipped. Was still cheaper then a local place that has it. It was a little over 200.00. I could have gone with .25 thick, and it was like 170 shipped. But I wanted the extra thickness for stability and for the threaded holes. Let the drilling and tapping begin!
nice jig, absolutely essential. It’s always a pita to tap small threads since you have to be so careful with the small tap. I love tapping 3/8" and larger (and honestly do my best to avoid anything less) just so I can use power tools.
Yea, I had considered the misumi t track. But I wanted to stick with tapped holes. Wanted to have the combination of either hold down clamps or cam style. With a 1" grid, I shouldn’t have any issues with clamping any size pieces.
Didn’t have a lot of time today. Went to the cabin for the weekend. Got 5 rows drilled, and 2 of those tapped. 31 holes per row… Man there’s a lot of holes… Haha
Dang… Got all 961 holes drilled! And 5 rows tapped… Holy cow what did I get my self into! Lol! I’ll pace myself the rest of the week for tapping the rest. That’s the time consuming part… Although drilling took quite awhile.