Here is the latest from my shop with help from the x carve.
I made a toolbox similar to this last summer for a friend, he showed that one to some associates who are involved with a local youth shooting sports program who are having a fundraiser this weekend and asked if I could do one for them to auction off.
I was informed that I probably will be asked to do one for Ducks Unlimited next month and the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association in the fall. With the deck board engraving I’ll be doing for the rebuild of a local Mexican restaurant that burned to the ground in Sept. 2014, I guess my machine (and me) will be busy!
Did you do just the engraving on the XC or some of the box construction as well?
NWTF and DU are both clients of mine! I help them with their marketing. Those boxes are sweet. Still don’t understand how you get those perfect joints. Jig?
This is a tool box, hobby box, etc that I modified from a plan i found in a woodworking mag some years ago.
I started out with 9/16 x 3 1/2 xx 18" white oak boards that were bandsawn off cuts from an acquaintance of mine who didnt want to see them go into the fireplace
The original plan had simple rabbet joints with brass pins in the ends holding it together. While attractive, it didn’t really turn my spindle. (HA! cnc reference!)
I use a Keller dovetail jig for the joints. It took me a while to figure out how to get it to all line up but now that I have made a fair number of them, I have gotten it down to something of a system.
the handle has brass pins in the end blocks that are cross drilled and threaded to accept the mounting screw from inside the lid. its finished with a shellac sanding sealer and 2 coats of semigloss lacquer.
I finally slowed down in my brain long enough to understand the simple question you asked Aaron.
The XC was used for the engraving of the lettering and Logo only. The rest is by standard wood working practices.
Some folks said that my wood working was going to get too automated if got a cnc, my response was and still is that the cnc is to enhance my capabilities in my hobby/craft and embellish my work. not to take over what I do or the handcraft that I have developed over the last 25 years.
Yeah, I make Stickley furniture and I can’t even imagine trying to build a Limbert tabouret with an XC. Hmmm…
The “Hmmm…” was me imagining. Now that I think about it, I’m building a flat pack picnic table that would be perfect for CNC. Interestingly enough, the parts of the Limbert tabouret fit together just like flat pack half lap joints and the shelf drops down into the sides. Part of the fun was building the jigs to cut the compound angles on the sides with the table saw and the two templates for making more of them.
This is not the one I built but it’s the same design #240

Well, the tool box went up for auction yesterday and I am pleased to report that it brought in 300.00 for the Clay Dusters!
Far more than I was expecting. Several folks must have really wanted that piece.