Thanks in advance for looking and any suggestions you may have.
Here’s my set up:
Xcarve desktop. G-Code generated toolpaths are sent directly to Laptop.
V – Carve 10.5 with most recent update
UGS - software
Laptop w/ 4 gig ram runs the controller and all carves are done with that.
History: I’ve been at this for over 2 years now and love working with the machine; except for issues like this, which have only been a few.
Here’s the problem
Today, during a simple carve of a plaque/sign the machine just stopped in the middle of the carve.
This is the error code:
“An error was detected while sending ‘G2X2. 8439Y5. 3339I-0.016J-0.040’. (error33) Motion command target is invalid. Streaming has been paused.”
I took a chance and pushed the RESUME button and it started up again and ran for maybe 30 seconds and stopped again with the same message. I was able to complete the carve by standing there and pushing the RESUME button until it was completed. PITA.
I tried to isolate the issue by starting a new carve (different in all respects) but it took less than 30 seconds for it to freeze up again.
Any and all suggestions welcomed.