Today we launched a new video called “Makers of Knowledge”. In it we interviewed two teachers in the Chicago Public Schools @JeffSolin and @PiotrWojciaczyk about how they approach teaching 3D carving in their classroom. Sometimes the Chicago Public Schools are in the news for bad things but today we shined a light on some shooting stars. You can watch the full video here.
I’m excited to hear your feedback. If you have any positive or negative please write back below. Please keep it constructive.
I am not one to sit through videos of this type they are something I send away with a click of a mouse. But I found this video to be very interesting and made me feel interested to the point that I enjoyed watching it from beginning to end.
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What do they make with the 3D printer in class?
Do the students design things or do they only download items from the internet and print them out?
I’m trying to get my shop setup to work with a local Boy Scout troop.
I have a large 3d printer FDM type and I like using it to make things the X-carve would have trouble with.
@AndrewWatkins Boy Scouts would be an awesome group for Carvey. How old are the boys?
@Zach_Kaplan They range from 13-21
Woah! I had no idea Boy Scouts went up to 21. Are you local in Chicago?
@Zach_Kaplan Unfortunately no. I live in southern NH
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@Zach_Kaplan We are currently setting up room in our workshop at home to work with the scouts on woodworking. Hoping to add a carvey or two down the road.