Looking for a used Carvey

If you have a Carvey in good shape, let me know! Reply or email inventables(at)rubygrrl42(dot)com. Thanks!

Hey, I have a Carvey I’m going to sell… I’m in the SF Bay Area.

It hasn’t been used all that much… probably looking for $750 for it.



Interesting. Can you send me an email (address in the original post) with some pictures and more details about the machine?

I’m also looking to buy a used Carvey in mid-atlantic - MD/DE/PA/DC/VA area. Renee( at)SheLovesTech[ dottcomm]

Hi I have a barely used carvey in pristine condition I am looking to sell. Packed in original shipping box. Comes with extra bits that I purchased separately.

I’m in Orange County California. Prefer local pick up.

Asking $1500 Obo

Message me if interested! 6504343469

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