Well I bit the bullet last night and purchased the jtech 3.8 wattlaser kit also pic laser lite and 12x12 acrylic laser sheilding and already have pic sender. Thanks to my wife for buying herself a $600 phone so she could not say much about a laser purchase lol.Welcoming any and all advice and tips and tricks. Wish me luck.
Nice! That would complete my ideal trifecta (3d printing, cnc routing, laser)
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3d printer is on my bucket list for next year.
Lasers are like potato chips, you can’t have just one! I own the Jtech and a K40 40 watt CO2 laser!
Can you cut 6 mm acrylic with jtech laser? Slow? Can you leave it with the dewalt router permanently?
I have no clue what all I can co with it. But yes it can be left on the dewalt I am going to make a lens cover for it.
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This is like waiting For Santa and a slap in the face at the same time. It arrives tomorrow . I go back to work tomorrow
I know we would all rather stay home and play with our toys. But work is the only way we can get our toys
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