First let me say thanks to the loads of folks here who have shot me many ideas and suggestions to get my machine up and running good. It’s great to have a big base here that is willing to help.
So after many adjustments, and tinkering I finally got the machine working. Here is a sign I did (only 8" x 5") and filled with epoxy. Came out pretty decent (except for epoxy not coming out glass smooth as I hoped), with no errors.
My next step is getting a dewalt hooked up for smoother operations. Thanks guys.
Looks awsome. When you receive your Dewalt configuration, you better go over your belt tensions, V-Wheel adjustments one more time. You can get lot better edges on those letters and cleaner bottom. I’m doing similar things, what I’m doing is after carve, sending with 150/400 and using shellac. This time color is not bleeding into wood. Also you can 400 send epoxy and put poly on it. Again looks fantastic. Glad you’re back on track. Welcome to Club.
Congrats! Well done. You may be interested in an upcoming project of mine. I’m going to digitize a knife blade and use the X-Carve to cut out micarta handle scales and make an MDF mold to heat form a Kydex sheath. I just ordered all the materials last night. Stay tuned…
Finally! Good to hear. Some long conversation s on the phone paid off I see! My xcarve finally shipped so give it a week or two and I’ll have mine going
I knew you would get there eventually, Russ. Welcome to the club.
Kinda like a cross country drive, it’s not just the destination that matters it’s the journey.
By assembling and tuning it yourself, you are mayy steps ahead of a fully premade machine.