I am trying to completely cut around a shape (in this case a circle) using Easel’s software and its shapes tool. I know you can cut out the pocket of a circle (thus making a circle that is cut INTO the wood…aka a negative), cut inside the line, on the line, and outside the line. How do I place a circle (or any shape) and cut around it, all the way to the edges, thus making a positive? Im wanting a circle to “protrude” off of a flat surface that I have carved down to. Think convex vs concave.
Yeah, I know that. What i want is to cut everything BUT that circle. Say I start out with a 1" thick piece of wood: I want a circle shape even with the top (so 0.00" depth of cut), and have the rest of the board cut/milled/planed down to ½". Does that make sense? Using your circle…I want everything BUT that circle cut down a bit.
Set your circle to a O depth then pocket everything around it out to the size you need.
How do I “pocket” everything around it? That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. I can zero the depth of the circle, but I don’t have any options to pocket other than pocketing the inside. And assuming I could pocket the outside (still can’t figure out how), I set my circle to 0.00” like you said, then how do I control the depth of the pocket on the outside?
1st things 1st, how do I pocket everything outside of my shape? Where is that option? What steps must I take?
Oh. Lmao. I fell dumb. I guess it’s just not as intuitive as I’m used to…or I just wasn’t thinking due to being tired & the heat yesterday. I’d much rather have an option to just invert the shape instead of having to make 2 separate shapes. Anyway, Thanks for the help!
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