Inquiry on Adding Probe To 2015 X Carve

Dec 7 - I have just acquired an x carve that has never been used. I was told it was purchased in 2015. I put it together and have been trying it out for the last few days. Everything works fine, but I wanted to know if a Z Probe can be installed on this machine. And if so, how to connect it to the control box. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Z probes are two conductor devices. The X carve version plugs into a jack which is connected to the back terminal labeled probe, IIRC. The probe consists of a plate, a large alligator clip ( which connects to the bit or collet), a conductor with plug.

Z-Probe – Inventables, Inc.

X-Carve Instructions: Z-Probe
the two connections on the terminal block are probe and ground (gnd)

That must be a newer model than what I have. Mine does not have the black box and there is no jack to plug into.

If you have a 2015 model you have the gshield and it can be added. I had one and added the probe but i have a newer model now and not sure yow i connected it. If you can look back at the directions on how to put the unit together i believe it shows you there.

I checked the directions and there is no mention of using a Z-Probe for the 2015 model. I am at a loss for what to do. I have used the newer x-carve and I really like using the Z-Probe. I believe it is more accurate than using a piece of paper to measure the Z Axis.

Thank you for your quick response.

see if it is like this

Inventables Shapeoko 2 CNC Machine - Assembly and First Project

Wait it out there are plenty of guys on here that can tell you how to do it. This guy can if he sees it. NeilFerreri1

Shapeoko 2 CNC Mill | Jays Custom Creations

The x carve evolved from the shapeoko2 which used an arduino and a g shield that plugged into it.

Probe on shapeoko 2 - Inventables Community Forum

DIY CNC Controller: How to Setup Your Arduino & gShield

No, it is similar to the newer X-Carve but it is using an older controller. The bed and rails are just like the newer model. It uses the 611 DeWalt router.

I reviewed the links you provided. In the link “Probe on shapeoko 2” there was mentioned Pin A5. I cannot find any pin labeled A5 on my g shield.

see if this looks like your g shield

Setup a Touch Probe With a Arduino CNC Shield and Grbl and UGS Platform : 6 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

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No, it is different.

Take a look at this and see if it helps.

That looks like it’s a winner. I’m going to my shop now and give it a try. I want to express my appreciation to you and Martin for helping me with this issue. I think I am going to enjoy this forum. Thanks again.

I just finished installing the Z-Probe and it works!!! A great thank you to Wayne and Martin for reaching out and helping me.


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