So I decided to make a new sign for my mom’s travel agency and started with this 24in cruise ship carve for the center. I carved it out of a scrap piece of 24x4x2in insulation foam but ran into issues on the finishing pass. The 1/16th inch round bit was not long enough and the and the collet nut hit the foam in the red outlined area. Hoping to save it with some bondo or paper clay. But all and all it looks really cool I think and once painted and placed on the sign will look great. Just wanted to post so others don’t make the same mistake.
How do you paint that? I’ve had problems sealing and painting. Meaning, the pores don’t fill or the foam disintegrates.
@CoryMccormick, You can either use a few coats of white glue (elmers or wood glue) mixed with a little water or some Mod Podge from your local craft store. It will completely seal the model and give you a great surface to paint.
Thanks! I’ll pick some up on my wood run today.
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