If your not familiar with a ‘Fidget Toy’ or ‘Fidget Spinner’ you are not alone. I didn’t know anything about them until recently when they popped up as a featured collection on Thingiverse (Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects).
I did a quick google search and sure enough… its a ‘thing’. They are popular with the Pocket Collectible types (‘whats in my pocket today’ instagram groups).
You can find them on Etsy for $$$ and ebay for $… but it turns out they are a quick and easy project on the x-carve.
order some 608ZZ Skate Bearings
find a ‘Fidget Spinner’ you like on Thingiverse.
Convert the STL (they will mostly be STL 3D files) to SVG
Ok… now I’M fidgety. I’m bringing this to work! Here is my version in 6061 aluminum with ceramic center bearing. It’s very spinny. Plus, the aluminum feels nice and stimulates my chakras.
@ChrisSader I thought the 3 bearing spinner i posted above was Chakte Viga. However, I found my actual block of Chakte Viga digging out the Zebra Wood i used on my 4 bearing spinner. So, due to my poor labeling i have no idea what wood i used for the first one .
Here is my Zebra Wood one… My kid has be playing with it all day so its kind of banged up.
I can’t stop spinning it. Spun it through the Vikings game (does not bring good luck), spun it fishing (does seem to work - two nice walleye). Fortunately, some kid just bought it for $40 so I’ll have to quit cold turkey. Unless I make another… WITH leds!