Hi I need to make the edge of my project somewhat smoother. I have Vcarve desktop software and see the option for using a roundover bit. I have never used one yet. How do I determine deep of cut and how should I set the home position?
I do the same thing as @BobJewell, edges of signs/projects are done on the router table.
Well the shape of my project is a fish. so all of the outside edges are curves. Just went to lowe’s and got a roundover bit and going to try to figure it out.
Like @BobJewell said a round over bit has a bearing so unless you cut the bearing off I would never use it on my machine.
A router table to me is a definite must for me. I used a couple of extra 611s from the xcarve and have two setup by simple screwing the plunge bases to panels that I then secured to my work bench.
Now if you want to use a core box bit and do an inset that would be different.
That’s true. I thought he had an actual bearing style rounder over, I think partly because that’s the more common term with my suppliers whereas the ones you posted are generally called beading bits, but it’s probably an example of people calling things by different names in different places, but I’ve also seen both terms on the same bits, so who knows.
At any rate @MichaelHansen if you have a bit without a bearing it’s straight forward setting up. Use the same home as any other bit and just create your bit in the database using the info from the manufacture. You decide how deep you want it to cut. Plus V-Carve has the awesome feature where you can design your own bit by creating a vector that is half of the shape of the cutter. I have used this feature with beading bits in the past.
Thanks I have one that I have not opened yet that has a bearing on it. I guess I will return the bit and get one with a straight edge on it, online.
note I am using a x carve 1000
Or… I had a thought which may not work at all (might even be a bit dangerous.) You could in theory jog your router to one side of the table, put your workpiece against it to set your height, then (first pull your workpiece away) turn on the router and manually run your workpiece along the bearing. It would be like an inverted router table.
Yeah, it seems like it should work, but for some reason it sounds super sketchy. Mind you, I would turn on the x-carve power supply so that the router was locked in place, and would test it with something long and straight, but I think it’s certainly something for someone who is familiar with using a router table and knows how wood can catch and when to climb mill and so on. And have that knowledge and be able to reverse it since the router is upside down…yeah, probably not a great idea. lol
yeah not something I want to try.
I do it and i wish i were better at explaining. But after a few times it is pretty easy. Seems like something i should do a video on. BUt i will say i export a svg outline to easel to do it. For easel I use the smallest measurement of the bit as my bit size. I also use the measurement from tip of the bit to top of the bit profile as my doc. depending on material it can be done slow in one pass or in incremental steps down. If your bit has a bearing you can use the bearing size as the bit size wit a few thou added for clearance. I mostly start my projects from center then center the svg in easel to do the profile cut. you can jog the machine over to a flat spot on the work to get the zero for the surface then jog up and back over to center. hope you understand some of my babbling on.
You can zero any bit and then switch to the Round Over bit. Your X and Y zero will not change because when you zero any bit in X and Y, you are actually setting the centerline of the spindle to zero. As long as your bit geometry is defined in your design software then it will know where the outer edges of your bit are located.
If you cannot define the bit geometry in the design software then tell the software that you are using a v-bit and then create an engraving tool bath and tell it to cut on the line. Then you will have to experiment with the tool path depth of cut to get it where you want it. I have done it that way before. You have to make several passes to get the final depth because the CNC machine will probably not have the rigidity to handle a full depth in one pass. A router table or palm router may be a better choice if you have a bit with a bearing on it but with a pointed end bit you may get a prettier result.
If you have a Triquetra Touch Plate then just create an Auto Zero file using the outer diameter of the round over bit and you will be good to go. Again, you may have to tell the software you are using a V-Bit and create an engraving tool path that cuts on the line being sure to set the depth of cut so that it makes several passes to get a good finish cut.
That’s my take on how to get this done!
Charley Thomas
Triquetra CNC
I have been trying to do some low relief carvings and need to have a more rounded edge than the one specified by v carve pro. Vetric suggested that I but their Aspire software (my hobby budget for this year and part of next) but…
I notice that the modeling tab of the V-carve Pro has a smoothing function, which will generate a curved (almost like a round over bit would) cross section. Will that work for you?