I tried homing again to get soft limits working, the Z carriage went to the top and did not want to stop, the motor was still running ., and then nothing, maybe the limit switch is not working, how do I get the Z carriage to stop at the top and continue homing
You can use grbl to test your homing switches. Read these threads:
Direct access to grbl.
You can interact with grbl directly to isolate problems at the low level.
To do so, you need to use a terminal type program to issue commands and get responses from the serial port that has the Arduino attached.
Some of the programs are HyperTerminal, Putty, UGS (limited access), and the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE, among others.
Make sure that you have the correct settings for the program that you use.
The COM port where the Arduino is attached should have the …
If you are having difficulties with your homing switches you can do a quick test with Grbl to see what the state of the homing switches is from Grbl’s point of view. NOTE: In order to use this procedure you need to have grbl Version 0.9j or later installed on your Arduino.
To do so, you use the Grbl status immediate command ? (question mark). This command asks Grbl for its current value of some of its state information. For the purpose of this article we are interested in the homing switch stat…
Updates to grbl have changed status reporting in version 1.0c (used in the X-controller I believe). These changes affect the output from the “?” status command to grbl.
Information here is based on version 1.0c (edge fork).
The status report mask (grbl parameter $10) has two new control bits to select display of the probe pin and control pins’ status.
The bit assignments are as follows:
7 - Not used at this time
6 - display control pin status
5 - display probe pin status
4 - display homin…