Help "simplifying" an SVG file

Hi all,

I have an SVG file for my unit logo I am trying to get figured out.
Even after “simplifying” it through Inkscape and then deleting some of the “extra” steps in Easel it still seems to complicated for Easel (it freezes up on simulating tool paths)
I got with the guy who made the original image asking if he had a cleaner copy and he said he did not, that it had so many points in it because he wasn’t very good in Adobe illustrator.

I am looking to get it into a carveable file either as an SVG. Or if someone is really good, as a more 3D type carving (with curves for the missile shape, skull, etc…) and I am by no means asking for anything for free if this is how you make your money, just let me know what you can do for me and what it would cost.

Any advice, assistance, etc… would be greatly appreciated

Rider Back Logo2_Simplified



What kind of software did you use to make this?



@JustinEllis I just used Inkscape. Although your file is an SVG, it was an image embedded in that SVG. I just traced the image.
@RussellCrawford Careful. The last time I posted that directed at you, the post was mysteriously removed. :wink: