Help, Help Help
Is it here on the forum some nice and helpful person who can help me with installing and runing of
the laser with the program LightBurn. ?
I have wired up everything as the instruction says.
And I have gone thru the whole tutorial PDF wich I have downloaded and hade beside me when I
tried to cut.
But the machine didn´t start at the point I suggested
The machine will go the the lower left corner, so I have
to force it to stop with the emergency button.
Get ahold of Jay from JTECH and he will walk you thru it. He is great with costumer service.
I have not get any answer from him yet.
thats why I put the quastion here
I can not help you with lightburn i used picsender now. I had the same problem with grbllaser and gave it up.
is the picsender easier to use ?
I like it i think it is much easier and alot easier to get things lined up where you want.
where do you buy it and
can I try it before I buy it.
Try this. - PicSender
thx Wayne
I look in to it on saturday,
because we are going to Denmark tomorrow…
Is there an try before buy.
I think there is you will need to check the site out.
Hi Wayne
I have been looking on the link you sent me but…
I can´t get the hang of it to , cut a picture .
PLease give me a hint…
If it´s not to much problem
I think you need to get John from Picsender to chime in.
ok thx
I will be happy to assist you. Please contact me at: - Contact
Thank you,
read up on Negative Work Coordinates. These are sections on both the Lightburn and Jtech sites. Mine did the same thing before I setup a macro to fix it