I looked in the forums. Basically my machine was working and now it’s not. I cleaned all dust out(not much). Turned it back on and green lights won’t come on, I tried all USB ports, reloaded adruino, but green lights won’t turn on no matter what I do. I rewire everything. Can’t figure it out. Any help is greatly appreciated
I really don’t think g shield/adruino is recognizing my USB ports. How would I fix this? I just have no idea.
I’m running Windows 10 on a new computer 4 months old
Yes I do get the blue LED light on. When I try to load grbl using x loader it says uploading, but never loads it says “upload failed”. I was only able to reload audrino program that’s all
Well I tried reflashing it. When I put the hex file into the xloader. It says upload failed. I get no green lights at all. Only still the blue LED light.
With power off (both 24 volt and USB cable unplugged) remove the gShield. Plug the USB cable back in and try to flash the Arduino without the gShield plugged in.