So I’m leaning towards investing in X-Carve rather then build my own. You guys make it hard not to consider a one-stop-shop vs.the time spent sourcing components.
One item I have problems with is your waste board.Its seems a “waste” to ship that across the country when I can get it cheaper around here.
Do you guys offer the graphics file for the waste board?
Also is the board pre-drilled or is that part of the construction process? If pre-drilled do you have the g-code file for the drilling of the holes? like a “hello world” thing?
@DanPimpan We are committed to providing the best quality documentation of any Open Source project. Below are links to all the things you should need. Generally G-Code is not provided because it comes down to personal choices of bits, materials, speeds, etc. Maybe some can provide a shared Easel project for it in the future.
I have created the initial board with 144 holes and it looks perfect in Aspire. But when I export it to SVG and import it into Easel the holes are in different locations. I am not sure if it is a metric to English conversion or a different issue. Is there somewhere I could post it to see if someone else sees the issue?
Wow you guys got everything covered. thanks for your replies/links and maybe once I get going maybe I’ll try my hand at creating a waste board code for all
I think when it imports it zeros to the first vector it finds. It doesn’t seem to be a problem with Easel though as if I view the SVG in Adobe it looks the same. Here is a link to the project if you are interested, I manually adjusted it.
I think you are right. It looks like Aspire saves the SVG with the edge right up next to the vectors all the way around. I went in to Illustrator and copied from the files that @BartDring linked to and then created a grid of holes that matched up to the 800mm by 800mm cutting area of the big X-Carve. After that I saved as an SVG and imported into Easel keeping a small vector at 0,0 to get the spacing right and then just delete the small vector in Easel. Anyway, here is the project that I set up that will match the hole pattern on the X-Carve (at least the ones that fit in the work area).
When I look at yours the 57mm looks correct but it is missing the 24mm on the X-axis. Are you seeing the same?
Just making sure we are not having browser issues.
Hi, new user here, just set up my machine.
I tried to use the easel project above to cut the 1m x 1m wasteboard, but the holes are larger than the M5 threaded inserts.
Does anyone know of a shared easel project that will cut at least a few holes of the proper size?
What size are the holes when you open the project in Easel @KellyHickel?
In the GrabCad they are marked between 6.5mm and 6.7mm… This also matches the hole size for the wasteboard from Inventables that I have (see image below) Is this not the size of the holes in the Easel file?
@sketch42, they measure out as 0.4 inches actual cut diameter, in easel, on both of the PCs that I use, they show as 6.8mm.
I used the 1/8 inch bit from the end mill sample pack (part # 30264-02, 5 end mills), and the bit diameter for the carve was set for a 1/8 bit, or 0.125 inches.
Because I was concerned that I might have used the wrong bit size, I went and re-ran the cut, triple checking everything, and it re-cut the same holes.
So, I must be missing something, somewhere, just not sure what.
Either way, have you measured the actual bits?
Almost every bit I have measures slightly different. This means that I enter the exact diameter of the bit being used for each job. Usually my 1/8" bits should be 3.175mm but they end up measuring 2.87mm or less.
.2mm here and .2mm there will make for different sized holes, so entering exact size of bit will help. To get the size you can measure in a lot of ways, I usually rotate the bit while it is in the collet lowered down close to a flat surface… I put the calipers on the bit at the thinest point and slowly rotate the bit in the non-cutting direction until it reads the widest point. You could also try turning on your spindle and lowering Z down slowly and just make a pock mark on the wood and measure the diameter it makes.
I measured the bit, it is near enough to 1/8 inch, and it’s a 2f upcut.
I thought of that two, but the holes are not quite twice as large as they should be (0.4 inch and they should be more like 0.25), so it’s not just off by a little bit here or there.
I’ll sink a hole later today and measure it, but it really is a 1/8 bit.
Well, the first sample project worked, and looked OK right up until the bit broke.
Here’s a partial snip of what this project looks like when I load it, notice that the holes have very think borders, is that what you see?