Where this needs to go i am not sure but hopefully the right folks will catch a glimpse and take a bow !! I have had my Xcarve since April 5th (happy birthday to me !) yes my wife luvs me lol
I trolled around the forums and the net prior and still do since my experience CNC is very limited. I am a wood worker trying new tools !! I have had a few minor issues in the beginning but very fixable ones simply by doing a little research. There are a couple folks on here who have saved from disaster and don’t even know it LOL thank you Phil Johnson and Tim Miller !! my most recent experience was a first time project with Aspire and running through picsender (hence tim miller) your video was almost dummy proof. Everything was great until i forgot to check my x and y steps before i tried to jog the machine and buried the the Z axis and sent the cradle to the depths of the equator. After that the machine would barely move or home ! turns out when i went rambo on the E button at that time something messed up in grbl !! found a post compared my g code settings and bammm found X and Y steps were 0 !! any how a quick fix 4 hours later and I am back up.
Essntially this is a long winded thank you to folks who dont even realize they helped
A couple of pics from my easel learning days to share as well

Thank you