Hello I just ran my first test carve using a millright mega v XL I simply just carved my first name CHAD It all went well except for one letter the A witch carved upside down. What could have caused just one letter to be flipped upside down everything looked good on the preview and toolpaths
Thanks in advance for any input
They’re all flipped, Chad.
Looks like your Y axis is reversed. What’s your $3 setting?
As Neil indicated, it is not only the A that is inverted, but rather ALL of the letters are inverted, it just so happens that the other 3 letters have a middle horizontal line of symmetry and don’t appear to be flipped. IF you set those to lower case letters it would be MUCH more obvious.
Neil is going down the proper route of re-assigning the $3 setting HOWEVER if you want to fix the issue very quickly on that model CNC the Y1 and Y2 drive opposite directions, so swapping the Y1 and Y2 cables at the back of the controller will immediately correct the issue.
If you don’t want to do that then you’ll need to change the $3 settings, IF you’re using Easel to control the CNC you can actually perform a new machine setup and during that process there is a screen where it asks you to test each axis and answer a question of whether it’s operating in the correct direction and based on these answers the $3 setting will be automatically corrected.
Oh wow lol feel dumb cus I’m not all that new to this space I have torn into my share of okuma 5 axis mills and lathes at work… now I see it I thought it looked kinda funny but the A is the only one that stood out… it is possible I have the wires mixed up I put the thing together in like 3 hours I work 3rd shift so when I get off I’ll check both and report back thank you both for the quick responses!
@NeilFerreri1 @SethCNC thanks guys lol simple flip of the Y1 Y2 motor plugs did the trick
Thanks again!
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