First Flag on new x-carve

This is my work in progress of the union portion of a flag for a retiring Swat Member.



Super cool. The retiree will be honored to receive that, I am sure.

You can’t use that design! Our team uses that design!:rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:


Ha ha. And almost every other team I’ve seen.

Cory, those look nice. Did you finish out using epoxy fill over the top the whole plaque?

Turned out really Nice!!

Using the 60 degree V-bit to make the stars I think would really bring out the rest of the design as well. But that looks great as well…

Yes. I pocket cut them, painted cut black, tinted epoxy to fill pockets, surfaced the top, and the epoxied the whole plaque. Not efficient but the results are appreciated.

Thats awesome. Really brings out the detail I think with the finished epoxy. When you say “surfaced the top” can you explain more to me? I am looking to do an epoxy fill on a sign I was asked to make. Plan to tint the epoxy then fill. I seen on PapPaws video about sanding off the excess. My concern was will the epoxy scratch from sanding?

Things I’ve learned about epoxy:

  • If tinting, mix enough to complete your project because you will NEVER match the color later. If you have to fill in a spot because you ran short you will always be able to identify where it was.

  • I now use a vacuum pot to degass my epoxy before putting on the project. It’s not necessary but I’m a gadget guy and I like to think it helps in the process. I still get bubbles but not like I did before. From my readings the air is introduced by your mixing A and B together. Stir s…l…o…w during that process to mitigate.

*If you’re looking for a “solid” fill, paint the pocket and add tinted epoxy. Just tinting the epoxy allows you to see through to the wood. It’s not a bad look but if you’re not going for that effect, paint the pocket as well (as I have done above).

  • Regardless of the claims of the manufacturer about self-leveling, it won’t truly do that. If you fill the pocket first and then add a flood coat, any variances in height will be seen/felt. If you fill the pocket and leave it 1/32" below the top of the pocket, there will be a corresponding depression in the flood coat. I use a surfacing bit or run it through my planer to skim the top of my project so that the surfaces (wood/epoxy) are level and get the best finish. Although not the same project the below is an example of what my project looks like after adding the epoxy. The epoxy is visible above the board surface (the other black area is paint masking. I try to just nick the surface when planing it down so I don’t want the paint setting in the grain requiring me to go deeper.).

  • Final coats/sealers hide a multitude of sins. Sanding is fine and recommended if you need to remove dust or other specks but don’t go nuts in the grit ranges. I usually sand to 220. It makes everything cloudy and you think you’ve ruined your project. BUT, throw a quick layer of poly on with a rattle can and all the cloudiness and scratches disappear. It won’t take away clouds from improper mixing but it will remove any physical damage you do by the sanding. Also don’t stay in the same spot too long…heat sucks when you’re doing this so keep it moving. If you start to see gummy balls instead of dust you’re in for a bad night.

Take it for what it’s worth to ya. Works for me this way but I’m sure there are 100 other methods just as effective. Alot more info than you asked for but maybe it will help.

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Thanks for the information. By no means was it to much. haha Actually it helped better understand a couple different techniques than maybe what I was thinking to do based off videos and other info I have read to this point. I will try out a couple of these techniques and see what happens. I will share photos when complete.

Again thanks for sharing the info.

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What type of epoxy are you using?? I found some 2 part epoxy from Lucite, but didn’t seem to work well. haha When mixing it by itself not so bad, but when mixing with the paint, it thickened up, and ended up being big mess. I think perhaps its the pain that was an issue, but I have not so much experience with epoxy. Seemed like it set-up pretty quick, which also was an issue in itself. haha Stuff seems expensive, so trying to see whats been proven, and eliminate the trial and error for a price.


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Hello BrianHoelscher1,

Im fairly new to the epoxy world as well, maybe been pouring it on pieces I have carved for about a month. I also use a 2 part epoxy resin that I buy from Amazon called Art 'N Glow, item# B07BM9LHRB. it is a 1:1 ratio for mixing the 2 parts and it has around 1 hour working window, before it starts to thicken. I also use a pigment powder to mix in the color after the epoxy has been mixed for about 5 minutes. item# B074SCWN3S on Amazon as well. i found both products simple to use. Below is a picture of my first epoxy pour. what type of paint or colors you use to mix with the epoxy?

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Here is a video. I use acrylic paint

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Gives you at least 45 minutes of work time and doesn’t break the bank (compared to others).



Thank you. I have reviewed your video, and thought about giving it a go, especially after seeing how Cory’s had turned out as well. I used the acrylic paint as well, but think I used the wrong type of resin, and harder. Set up was quick. I used a similar epoxy like Cory shows below on a play table I made for my son a couple years ago, but wasn’t able to find the same type I used before. haha. But I have you subscribed so I can quickly refer back to your video. Just trying to master a few things like you guys have done to get a good feel for the project, and apply to later projects.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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Thanks for the info. 45 min set up time is definitely better than what I was trying to work with. haha 5 min. I think I used something very similar to this back on a play table I done for my son several years back. Just couldn’t find that same type. But I will check out Amazon.

Thanks again for sharing the info.

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That is awesome Jonathon. I will look into it a bit further. (As I am currently viewing this on Amazon) haha. I used just a regular red acrylic paint. But seeing how Phil is using same paint, I think its more to do with the epoxy I was using. Had a quick set up time, so didn’t leave me much error. But thank you for sharing.

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