I’m working on some projects (mostly for learning) using Fusion 360 and scrap wood I have around (if I don’t find more, my wife is going to wonder why the furniture keeps vanishing… a little at a time). I’m having to do facing cuts to get the depth right on a thicker piece before doing the contour cuts, etc., of my piece. I’m using a flat two flute end mill for the task right now (admittedly slow and likely not as smooth).
I’ve seen lots of reference - especially to waste boards and other leveling situations - of face mills. The ones I’ve seen are quite expensive but possibly worthwhile. I’ve also seen mention of using traditional “router bits” for such things. I was curious to know more about the difference in performance, the types of router bits that MIGHT work, etc.
This is all new to me and I’m a sponge, so take this topic down any informative rathole you might like. 
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Much appreciated. Two on the way to give this a whirl.
Just be sure you have a collet that fits it.
I wonder if he can crank a 1/4" collet down sufficiently? Also, be sure to use a very, slow plunge rate.
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Hhhhmmm… valid point. It’s VERY close to 1/4" on the shank at 6mm, but under. Thoughts?
the .25 inch collet will not lock on a 6mm shank. I tried, it does not work at all.
Poop. Well, saved money on the face mill… but seems I’ll need another collet now. Never quite get out of these things as cheaply as it seems at first. 
Be worth having more collets for versatility, though.
yeah I’m having the same issue. Want a planing bit, but all of them seem to be 1/4 or 1/2. I want a 8mm one that fits my makita without havingto buy a collet. If anyone knows of a 8mm one, please let us know
The good news is that most bit are much less expensive in 6mm size shanks (on Ebay). Especially vbits.
So the money you spend on the new 6mm Collet will pay for itself as you purchase additional bits
I bought this 60 deg vbit and it has worked very well, the same bit on a 1/4 inch shank is over $20
When your bits arrive from Hong Kong or China that are advertised as a 1/4" shank…make sure you measure them. The ones I have gotten advertised as 1/4" were actually 6mm. Which is why I have a 1/8", 1/4", 4mm and 6mm collet for my Dewalt.
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