Hi guys,
I want to upgrade my X Carve with a JTech 2.8 or 3.8 Laser. Has anyone experience with his JTech engraving slate?
Or is there a better option than a JTech in the same prize range?
Kind regards
Hi guys,
I want to upgrade my X Carve with a JTech 2.8 or 3.8 Laser. Has anyone experience with his JTech engraving slate?
Or is there a better option than a JTech in the same prize range?
Kind regards
Thank you Erik!
Is there a way to get the engraving ‘lines’ a bit smaller? The Gryffindor sign lost a lot of details.
The Jtech 2.8 watt version can produce a smaller spot than the Jtech 3.8 (but not by much).
It can produce finer lines on the slate (much finer in wood), these were some test pieces I did just figuring out what looks good. I no longer have the ones I completed, so no pictures…sorry.
Thank you very much!
I think I have to order a JTech
@ErikJenkins I have the Jtech 7w Pro, what were the setting you used to laser these?
I really don’t remember, I haven’t used the laser on the X-Carve in a long time, I have moved on to a separate laser engraver.