I have built a Diamond Drag for engraving on the X-Carve. I mounts right into the Engraving Pen mount I made in a previous positing.
Watch the videos on You Tube, Feel free to email me for drawings. RRNTHESHOP@GMAIL.COM
Randy Richard In The Shop on You Tube.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/DoqCLbMzh0A
That is awesome.
Thanks, Randy
Nice work! I love the creativity of people here!
Randy, I’m not familiar with v-carve at all, but the setting you’re going to want to change is your clear height. set it much lower so that the tool doesn’t raise so far after each letter. it’ll save you loads of time.
Yes Matt, I have figured out how to adjust the Retract height, Still learning this CNC stuff.
Glad you got that sorted. I’m still learning myself. You’re way ahead of me with that engraver set up. Very nice work!
The engraving is great.
Hello! I am looking to do Diamond Drag on Aluminum for a specific area of my business, and am leaning towards buying the X-Carve. Just wondering if anyone that currently owns an X-Carve has done Diamond Drag on Aluminum? And how did it turn out? Thanks for any info!
I have. I have used a $75 diamond drag bit one from ebay. Its 1/4" shaft. Works well. Its not as good at the one here but its a start. The sheet here is one of those aluminum sheets for hobby. Not really the best to work with.