Does it get better with PRO

Hello, I am using the trial version of EASLE INVENTABLES. I am sorta new to this stuff and was thinking my projects seem to have a lot of trail and error, a lot. My question is, if I purchase the subscription does the program run without as many cliches or problems, i.e…, for one I have to repeatedly delete my machine and add it again to unlock it. Another thing is that I cannot get my projects to run a simulation completely.
Any response would be great!

I" think" Pro just adds more features. I’d guess your issue is more likely your controller, computer, or electrical interference related. I’m not a pro user though.

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Subscribing to Pro is not going to change the problems you are having. The software is the same, it just allows you to use the ‘pro’ features, like V-bits, adding custom bits, tiling, and other features.

As already mentioned, Pro doesn’t fix anything. I sometimes have a problem getting the program to see my machine, but for me it’s a computer problem, not Easel or X-Carve, I simply unplug my USB cable from the controller and plug it back in (sometimes I have to do it a couple of times) and it reconnects ok (I run off a very old and slow laptop). As for the simulation, I too have had that problem, again a computer problem. If I run off my desktop computer I have none of those problems. I have found that one of the best people to help with any issues you are having is a guy called Seth Hoopes (within these Easel & X-Carve groups) he is a genius and very happy to help everyone.