Does anyone Use one of these?

Hey everyone so I no longer use my X-carve but I have built up a collection of Dewalt 611 routers so I use them by hand now and I was doing a major roundover on some baltic birch the other day and man do the chips fly lol so I came across this on amazon and it will work for the 611 does anyone use one of these?

can you see the tool through it really good when using it?

love to hear your thoughts


Mine works good as well. All I had to purchase adapter from Home Depot for hose connection.

what size hose should you use 1.5"

I think 1" to 1.5" adapter you can find in vacuum section.
Not to mention, most people complaining about this because bit change is not easy, I found easier way, removing router from base to change the bit. Not removing dust collection piece from base.

oh okay and

oh really lol i am not sure why you would try and even change the bit with the the base on lol it just snaps right off and slides out lol thats how I have always done it seems like a big hassle when its so simple to take off

It’s not snap off, one thumb screw and one phillips head screw holding it.
Maybe two thumb screws. I may lost one of them.

oh yeah no I was meaning the base to router attachment

I have my set up on the router table i made for my 611. it works great for it.

I use one of these for one of me extra 611s that I have mounted on a table. They definitely help, but chips will also still fly. I have mine hooked to a shop vac.

I would love to get the router table accessory for my hybrid table saw problem of mine is that I can not comfortably work around all sides of my saw :frowning:

What I don’t understand is why router tables are soooo expensive

Except for harbor freight they are total out of hand for what they are

yeah I guess I can see that if you are using the fence and attachments but all I use a router table for is a support machine for the cnc

just a flat table with a ball bearing router bit in the center

for making roudover on edges or using a pattern bit

I guess I need to look at a inverted pin router table

do you prefer that over a jointer or do you just supplement that router table as a jointer?