I will be adding the j tech 3.8 watt laser to my x carve and after some reading i have been wandering will i have to buy a new uno.
*****Our version of firmware requires that it be used on an OFFICIAL ARDUINO UNO board. The boards shipped by Inventables are not compliant with the Arduino and thus will not work correctly. We will be selling Arduino UNO boards on our site that are already preloaded and tested with a working version of our firmware. Or, just make sure you buy an OFFICIAL version on the board and not a counterfeit board. We got our X Carve and were surprised to see that our firmware does not work on the boards shipped with the system. Buying a new official board fixed the problem.
I have been just starting to use the Jtech 2.8 laser with the Xcontroller which does not use a genuine Arduino it uses an inventables arduino design and it’s working fine so far
There are two different makers of the Official Arduino UNO. www.arduino.cc & www.arduino.org. We purchased an Arduino UNO from inventables and it was a Genuine Official one and it works flawlessly with the J-Tech LaserMode grbl firmware. It’s from Arduino.org. It’s the one that I have been using with my 6W LD/Flexmod P3 build.
Prior to that we were using the Genuine Official one purchased at Radio Shack from Arduino.cc and worked flawlessly with the J-Tech LaserMode grbl firmware also, There has been some confusion why the X-Carve’s UNO works for some, but not others.
All I can suggest is to try the J-Tech LaserMode grbl with your X-Carve first before changing out your UNO.
In grbl 9g it has a setting $14=1 (auto start, bool) where grbl 9i + does not, so make sure this is set to 1 not 0, or nothing will move.