Cutting raised letters

I don’t know how to cut raised letters of a sign project in easel pro. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Just set the cut to run in reverse, and it’ll deposit material instead of removing it. :wink:

But seriously, make a rectangle that’s a little bigger than your sign, and set that to the depth you want the background of the sign to be. Then add your text, but set it’s depth to 0, so it’s white. This will clear out the material around the letters, leaving them raised, like so:

I used this technique to make my wife a sign, where I laminated some walnut on top of some quartersawn sycamore for high contrast (this was cut out of a solid blank):

I am trying to incorporate a raised svg on my sign how do I keep the SVG raised and the text

Use the same technique I show above. The carved out area should be a shape below what you want to keep raised. Set the raised area to cut at 0".

Design set to Less depth than the background results in raised design.

everything worked except the “O” it comes out as 2 lines

Looks like that letter was set to cut outside, on, or inside the line, rather than “cut out a pocket”.

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