Cut circle

I am trying to make a lazy susan. I want to make it out of wood and resin. its a 700mm diameter circle lazy susan but because I’m using resin I have to make the form work so I am cutting out a circle 705mm in diameter and slotting in plastic as the circular mold. I am cutting on melamine and sealing the inner of the mold with silicon. This may give me a circle of 700-705 mm in diameter. if its over 700 I want to use the cnc to carve from the outside of the circle from the outer diameter along the circumference until that diameter is 700mm. Is there a way to program it in easel to find the increment and tell it to decrease the diameter until it gets to 700?

Your description has so many elements, I really don’t know what you are trying to do. You want to make a lazy susan. You need a base, bearing, and top round surface.

What is being slotted? What is being cast in resin. What is the melamine for? Do you mean foam where it said form? Are you making a silicone mold inside a wooden form? Did you want some draft for removal from the silicone? Maybe a sketch would help…:-).

The Glossy melamine will hold the plastic formwork. its will be a thin plastic and so the the circle to cut out will me 1.5mm thick. thats not the issue. Once the form is finished and sealed and we pour. No idea of what ratio wood to resin but some resin will abut the form and some wood as well. when I take the form off I will have a round bit of resin and wood. Not super circular due to form inaccuracies and just lack of smoothness. I am also making the form about 5mm wider so I can make it a perfect circle and smooth. OK? the next is what I want. I want to use my bit to cut the resin and wood to make that perfect circle. I am asking if I use that 1.5mm bit and slowly cut the resin and wood, would it cut it smoothly. If it does I have answered my own question

I have zero experience cutting into epoxy. I have recently cut some aluminum with a zero flute bit and it works fine.

Maximize Efficiency and Precision with Single Flute End Mills (

There is this:

Best Bit For Cutting Clear Epoxy? - Projects - Inventables Community Forum

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