The basic cribbage scoring holes and tracks are unchanged. However I settled on a 3D Hot Rod Flame design carved in the top to personalise it for the intended recipient. While the bottom has 2D and 3D elements for storing the cards and pins. So I also had to come to terms with 2-sided milling as well.
The flames took the longest. I had no idea how to get a 3D design from a 2D picture. So much googling until I saw something I recognized as the solution. - I wish now I’d taken more notes as I still can’t remember all the details off applying the flame design surface to the 3D model.
I’m a Novice Fusion 360 user and almost every step was a new learning experience. (Both with Fusion and with the x-carve). I now have a bunch of new skills!
Thank goodness for the internet! - Youtube, Inventables forum, Autodesk forums, general wood working forums and just googling around was the start to almost every step! I have come to appreciate how people just give information away free.
I was sitting watching some friends play on Friday and was like “I could totally make that”…ideas, ideas and more ideas. Now to just get my machine dialed in and start making stuff.
Board looks awesome…I think the 3D element on the top of the board adds a nice custom touch.
Yeah, I think I went the long way round to get it to where it is now. The 3D element was a combination of wanting to try 3D elements, thinking of the person getting it, and not wanting to give them something they can buy.
Wow now that is cool.
I like how it turned out.
Give me an idea for the deck of cards I have floating around.
Its not going to be like yours but you did get me thinking.
The lines are engraved with a vbit and filled with epoxy ‘tinted’ red. It was supposed to be coloured red but I was afraid of upsetting the cure if i added too much acrylic paint.
The silver lining is that i didn’t need to be as carefull applying the fill.
In fusion I projected sketch lines onto the 3d suraface in model workspace. Then in CAM engraved the lines. It was tedious selecting all the line segments. There must be a better way. PErhaps projecting in the CAM work space might be easier.
I think there are a lot of tutorials on youtube. I think the 80/20 rule applies though. Lots of unclear instructions and no audio stuff. (I hate instruction videos without audio). - However the 20 good stuff is really good. There is also a caveat though on the 20. I remember a couple of times coming back to videos that actually had the answer but I didn’t recognise it until I’d done some more research. So there may be a portion of the 80% that are actually good, I just don’t understand them yet.
A trick I started was to increase the playback speed to quickly zip through the video and if something interesting was being said I slowed down and reviewed it.
As far as generally good videos?
Any video by Patrick Rainsberry is gold (although I think I read recently he has some affiliation with Autodesk). For 3D milling his derby car video is simple and effective.
Lots of stuff by Martin Barfoed. - For 2-sided milling he recently (after I’d figured out something myself), had a good video showing the CAM side of 2-sided milling which I didn’t see on other videos.
For the 3D element this one was a key one to show me how to start with the sculpting “How to Sculpt the New Fusion 360 Logo” - This one by Autodesk though. There was one other again by autodesk but basically if you get through this one you have it.
In the past though I’ve looked at lots and lots of videos (just checked my youtibe history). Both from Autodesk and some not. In general I find the Autodesk ones annoying but if I’m able to suffer through them, usually there are some really good tips there.
Hi TomP,
It’s almost embarrising to say, but I got a normal 3mm drill bit (my spindle takes 3.175mm shanks). There was only a little bit of tear out using the default fusion drill operation settings.
However what may be significant is the first coat of epoxy was already on the board by then as I didn’t want to fill the holes with epoxy by drilling then applying epoxy.
That sounds like an awesome idea that I will absolutely try when I do my board. I’d be using an 1/8" bit in an 1/8" collet. I think I’m going to do some inlays for the board top design and fill with resin/epoxy.
Now if only I had a 3D printer to print out the pegs…
Me about 3 months ago = Man, I wish i had an X-Carve
Me today = Man, I wish had a laser; more clamps; more bits; a Triquetra; a 3-d Printer; an auto-tool changer; a lathe; a planer; a band saw; a scroll saw; a bigger garage; a truck; a chainsaw; 80 acres of land; and on and on she goes…
Sounds like this might become a passion for you I’ve probably spent as much on bits, accessories and upgrades as I paid for the original x-carve in April.