I’ve always thought a Rube Goldberg machine contest would be pretty interesting.
I have a “usual suspects” level up contest in the works.
Sounds like we might need to get a few contests going this year.
I like the distinction @MidnightMaker is making between getting beginners to stretch and the more seasoned folks to do something extraordinary.
I think I messed up the last Fidget Spinner contest in the way I structured it.
I have an idea for the “first” type of contest that everyone can get into I’m gonna write up to flesh it out before sharing it. Let’s focus on the “extraordinary” ideas. What would be good there?
What do you think about a stretch contest where we make a windup clock…
by any chance is that the “down under” version of aluminum?
Aluminium was discovered by Hans Christian Ørsted (DK) in 1825. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word alumen meaning alum. It is a soft, lightweight, silvery-white metal. Exposed surfaces quickly form protective oxide coating. It reacts violently with oxidants. Aluminium is third most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Aluminium is the most abundant metal to be found in the earth’s crust, but is never found free in nature. Aluminium is obtained by electrolysis from bauxite. Aluminium used for many purposes from airplanes to beverage cans. It is too soft in its pure form so less than 1 % of silicon or iron is added, which hardens and strengthens it.
So Aluminum is an American invention.
My smart alec comment was in reference to the different pronunciations of the word within different dialects of the english language.But thank you for the info.
How about anything with motion via a windup-mechanism.
Must include at least one gear machined via Easel.
@ErikJanssen and @JkWestphal I think you were both being funny. I actually laughed at both of your posts.
Also I never knew that little history lesson.
Windup-mechanisms are a cool rif on the idea because it really opens up the creativity.
That could be a winner.
By J. .D. Redding - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, File:Cox timepiece winding switch.png - Wikimedia Commons
Zach, are you thinking about something that actually keeps time or just a mechanism? The gears are already turning, ^ ^
@RobertCanning @JDM I was thinking of backing off the clock idea and going with the wind up mechanism direction that @JeremySimmons offered up. In that scenario anything that had a wind up mechanism could qualify.
What do you think of that approach?
Definitely opens up more possibilities.
This would be a fun make
Me too, leaves a ton of options open for designs.
I like clocks
OK we have something. Actually we have a few things but there are going to be a series of them.
More to come…