I’m having a hard time determining what’s causing an intermittent problem with shallow cuts into cast acrylic using the default settings in Easel (for acrylic) and speed of 1 on my 611 ( I know, most seem to say that that’s still to many RPMs for acrylic). Anyway, sometimes I get the cleanest cut of this font at the same depth, and sometimes it’s ragged and ‘chalky’ whitish and just not attractive - and the bit seems to leave ‘dots’ of depth in places (uneven in other words) You can see two cuts of the exact same thing done minutes apart (bottom one (the offender) is a bit fuzzy, apologies…but you get the idea). So I don’t feel like it’s a dull bit either. It’s like I can get one of these two results minutes apart with the exact same material and settings. Any clue what might be causing this?