Carving starting in wrong position

im new just tried cutting the family sign from the projects… the cut is starting too high and too far right

what am i doing wrong i have 4x4 pro and easel pro

machine seems to home just fine

help anyone

Did you set your X Y home position and Z axis?

Machine home and user set home are different home positions

do you use a Z prob or do you use a peace of paper if you a peace of paper when setting your Z height your X and Y is set there to

I use the probe. But I did move it off zero

Where do I find that in easel?

How do I check that in easel

I am guessing you use Easel to control your router? I personnely find Easel to control the router limted, I use Candle (GRBL)
If using the lower left corner of your Router for Home, you need to set you bit on lower left corner of the work piece that you clamped down on the bed and set that X & Y point as your starting home. Z you can set anywhere on the work piece, I use a probe. Or, after you home the machine you would have to clamp your work piece down with the bit positioned on the corner of the work piece.

Hope that makes sense

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yes thank you it worked

Glad to be of help, if you have further questions you can email me direct at

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