For some reason, my X-Carve Pro 2x4 goes off path randomly. Always in a straight line on the same axis. Sometimes it just adds a line, others it goes to the end of the axis and jams up. It’s done this multiple times, and ruined some very large projects I was commissioned for, and had to start over. Does anyone have an idea of what’s happening? I’ve attached an image for reference.
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Is the firmware up to date?
I belive this issue was resolved a few fiirmware itterations ago, but if you scan through the xcarve pro section of this forum there’s a handful of posts with the same issues.
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Where can we read about the firmware updates?
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Ohhh, see that is a good question. I’ve not seen that information posted in regards to Xcarve Pro.
There used to be a Record of changes forum page for Easel changes, but that hasn’t been updated for like 4+ years.
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