Hey guys, I have a brand new 1000mm X-Carve for sale. Its a few years old, NOT the updated one. It does not come with the modern X-controller or router, but it does have the original controller. Other than that, see for yourself. Asking $900, machine is located in CT.
Would you consider donating it? I could hopefully cover the shipping, but I’m unfortunately a disabled gentleman located in Colorado. I was given an older 500mm that has been falling apart to the point that Inventables cannot help me anymore. I can’t afford much ($100 is stretching it), but it would be going somewhere where it’ll be used often and would do good.
I would consider it if you covered the shipping cost. Be aware shipping is going to cost a few hundred $, and then a few hundred $ in parts to get it up and running. Meanwhile, Inventables offers a brand new unit at 0% financing for one year, which comes with free support and a warranty…
Thank you Mike. My problem with that is that my monthly income so far has been going straight into paying for my house, food, electricity, etc. I have the worst credit in history and really no money for a monthly payment. As well, before my accident (motorcycle. Just say no.) I owned my own business that I was still making payments on things in. So, finances are a huge part of why I want to get building things. I don’t want anybody to feel bad about helping me, so if you can’t, don’t. I have about $80 saved, so I can possibly help with shipping, it that will help.