Power to the laser is controlled by values between zero, set on $31, and whatever you have set on your $30 GRBL parameter. If you set it at 255, then S255 will give you 100% power, if you set it at 1000 then S1000 will give you 100% power. If you set it at S500, then you will have 50% of power and so on.
In lightBurn the $30 parameter has to be set to the same value both in GRBL and in the S parameter on the LightBurn settings.
I’ve just went through this having installed the 7W JTech laser on my X-Carve a week ago.
Thanks @PeterJakab1, you just saved me some researches. I knew it was something like that as I did all that months ago 
Thanks @PeterJakab1, I’ll go thru and modify that in mine. I’ll just have to do a little math on it. I like using the 10 level scale of 1000, 2000, up to 10000, so I will figure it out.
I left my Z Axis in there, I use it for burning on different parts of different heights.
So, I have 2 versions completed and working.
One for version .9 GRBL and one for version 1.1 GRBL.
I’ve also dumped the .tools library for the laser bits I use so you can import them right into your tool library.
I would drop the post processors into your personal post processor library so they don’t go away every time there is an update.
Hi all,
First I want to wish you a happy new year and lots of good carves for 2020.
Then, I want to present the project I’m working on right now.
I bought a laser for my XXL Shapeoko last year, played with it a little but wasn’t happy very much. Not because of the laser performance, but because of the (my) workflow.
This is still work in progress, and things may change in the future as I still have lead in/out “issues”. Fusion 360 is not really meant for laser engraving…
Please check it on github at GitHub - pirate-makers/shapeokolaser: Laser Post-processor and stuffs for ShapeOKO and Autodesk Fusion360 and leave me a comment here or an issue there.
I’ll keep working on it until i’m satisfied.
@DanRegalia I’ll check your own and see if I can improve mine with it. As you did, I will also add my tools into my repo.
Thanks again