I’m trying my very first project and my depth of the carvings are going way too deep. I’m using the Z probe. I thought I was doing it right but it seems to be going way too deep still and I’m lost on how or what to do
I’ve done that and it still goes through
I’m not a regular Easel user, as I use UGS. With UGS, you have to write a line of code to use a Z probe. Is it possible that you entered the wrong dimension somewhere thinking mm or inches. Just brainstorming.
Another question when you ask it to move during a jog, are the measurements it actually moves accurate?
How to Customize Z-Probe Settings in Easel – Inventables (zendesk.com)
That screen shot you’re showing is simply telling the current Z position of the head. That has nothing to do with your problem.
How thick is your material? Are you entering that thickness into the machine before you cut?
Do you know how to use the ZProbe?
The thickness is .89 and yes I know how to use the z probe
Is the bit slipping in the collet and resulting in deeper cut?
Is the bit the correct shank diameter?
Yeah, it looks like your bit is working its way loose during the cut. Get it to the point where you cannot move the wrenches any more as you tighten the collet, before you set the height of your material with the z-probe.
That brings up another question - and I apologize if it seems basic - but are you setting the z-probe on your waste board or on top of the material you’re cutting?
Thanks for your help. I use the Z probe on the material and I figured it out. It was the firmware I had to update. It works fantastic now.
Oh yeah, or that. Happy that it’s fixed.
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