My name is Donnie and I’m a CNC addict. I know, it’s tough to admit it but that’s the first step to expanding the addiction! I purchased an X-Carve 1000 last night, a suckit dust shoe and the Triquetra 3 way z plate. I think that ought to get me off to a good start.
I’m new to the X-Carve but have been using a CarveWright for the past 12 years. This is a whole new world for me but, as they say, I know just enough about CNC operation, 2.5D / 3D design and modeling to be dangerous.
One of the reasons I went with the X-Carve was the improvements made over the past year and the ease of using Easel. I flip flopped back and forth between the X-Carve and the Shapeoko 3. Both are fine machines. I think that my final decision came down to a gut feeling that the X-Carve’s workflow was just a little smoother and that the support community is a little more giving.
I hope I’m right and can’t wait for my machine to arrive.
Hello Donnie. My name is Pat and I am a CNC addict as well.
Welcome to the forum. you will find tons of great help here.
Welcome. You are in good company. We all fall into the same category.
Donnie welcome and please share/post your successes and failures as the forum members are happy to celebrate and feel your pain as you embark on this great X-Carve adventure with us. Just please use the search function and keep in mind that as addicts we can get short when we do not get our X-Carve fix.
Again welcome and while waiting for those boxes to arrive research the forum and develop some projects in Easel.
Hello from another Texan!!
147 Miles from your door to mine.
Your Triquetra Touch Plate Kit is on the way. Let me know if you need any help at all.
Charley Thomas
Triquetra CNC
[monotone] Hi Donny.
We’re all addicts here. This isn’t like an anonymous group to try to get you off your addiction. Quite the opposite, we frequently boast about our works and encourage each other to indulge in our addiction; even sacrificing sleep or family trips to Disney Land (
Welcome to the club! Check out X-Carve Workspace Showcase and the Projects section. And don’t forget to pre-read the instructions before assembly. Be prepared to do great things! Terrible things, but great nonetheless. 
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Yes @PhilJohnson, I just compared you to Voldemort. 
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