Hi all! I pulled the trigger on a 1000mm xCarve earlier this week, and it’s set to arrive sometime next week.
I intend to eventually add a laser diode (such as the jtech) to the xCarve or perhaps some other upgrades, so I want to add some extra wire to the drag chain during my build that I’ll cap off for later use. The thing is, I have no idea what gauge/etc to add.
Does anyone know how many strands/what gauge the JTech laser wires are? Any other wires I may want to run for other attachements?
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. I took a look through the forum, but surprisingly it doesn’t seem like this question has been asked before. When the time comes to upgrade, I can always just zip tie to the drag chain, but I’d rather plan ahead and achieve a clean look for the machine.
When i got my laser i just ran a stiff wire thru my drag chain and hooked the wire for the laser to it and pulled it back thru. Worked good and was pretty simple.
Is the JTech something that Inventables sells as well? I am so interested in getting a laser as well, I wasn’t aware of adding it to my current setup. do you have a link on this setup?