I went with this two part design, because bending the a new bracket seemed difficult without a proper metal brake. Plus I felt that the bend would be the weakest point as well. Luckily the old clip and new clip seemed to play well together.
You only need the old clip on one side of the belt.
When I updated to 9mm belts several months ago, I just copied the design of the original 6mm belt clips. They work just fine with nothing more than a loop through the clip. Haven’t had a belt slip since!
from GT2 2mm-pitch 6mm-width
to GT2 2mm-pitch 9mm-width
you do not need to change any configuration in GRBL. The pitch remains the same and therefore the microsteps required per mm do not change.
However, If you upgrade
from GT2 2mm-pitch 6mm-width
to GT2 3mm-pitch 6mm-width (aka GT3)
since the pitch (distance between the “summit” of two neighboring teeth) changes, the linear motion produced per microstep changes too and you need to account for it. The GRBL parameters that define microsteps/mm for X and Y axis are $100 & $101 respectively. They can be set via Easel or any other GRBL g-code sender (or a terminal talking directly to the Arduino).
If you forget to do so, the 50% increase in pitch will result in cuts 50% bigger than expected in both X and Y.
PS. I am unfamiliar with the TinyG configuration (or Mach3 or LinuxCNC for that matter), but in every controller there is a way to set the mictosteps/mm per axis. Again, this is only needed only in case of pitch change (GT2->GT3).
I have actually upgraded to XL (5.08mm) pitch, 6mm wide belts for my NEMA23 steppers. I’m fairly sure I will get minimal slippage/skipping. I’m working on milling a reverse mount for my NEMA23 Z stepper.