99 bottles of beer on the wall... er umm bottle openers (rated PG-13) Censorship sucks

Just imagine someone using a tip of a cutlery knife to put a screw in ? or trying to saw a bit of wood with a bread knife. He has flooded the kitchen 4 times in the past year, managed to blow up the washing machine after re-fitting the electrical plug which he cut off with said bread knife. The list goes on…and on…Oh and the funniest one was totally destroying the sister in laws kitchen electric whisk, whilst trying to stir a pot of paint… which managed to go everywhere before he even started, then used bleach to clean it off the carpet, which in turn took all the colour out of it. He has form !

In this case wouldn’t you remove the fuzzies with wax?


Hate seeing this forum degraded by: 1) Name calling-Snowflakes 2) Pieces that dont have an iota of decency- try explaining to a kid learning CNC why that bottle opener is post-worthy 3) Pieces that arent even CNC unique-3 mins on a bandsaw would have done the trick. As a group I’d hope we’d reach for better, or maybe genitalia pieces should be a new topic.

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  1. I call It as I see it. Funny you don’t like name calling but basically called my work amateur trash that could be done on a band saw. 2) Bottle openers are typically geared towards men and sex sells. Out of all my openers guess which sold first? The take your top off with what appears to be boobs on it and the non graphic silhouette of legs 3) half the stuff posted here could be done on a band saw doesnt make it any less of a project. It was made with the machine and a band saw would not have pre drilled my opener holes. Not everybody here has a band saw. Maybe we need an adult themed thread labled as such so people who can’t be adult enough to scroll past something they don’t like could just avoid that topic all together.

Few thoughts: 1) name calling is different than a critique. If you don’t want to be critiqued, don’t post. Don’t get sensitive about it. 2) Sex sells, yes thanks for making it clear that the low standard for tasteful posts is just “someone will buy it.” 3) True, not everyone has a band saw or a hand drill. 4) As far as filtering, I’m surprised how short-sighted your position is and can’t understand how you think this platform will grow. Make all the genital and distasteful pieces you want, this forum will suffer. Finally, you do realize this platform is getting pushed to school? Guess kids should benefit from all Phil’s great resources so 1 person can post his base items.

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I could understand the upset if I was posting very detailed graphic images but your making a big deal about nothing. That’s the real problem here. I didn’t get sensitive about the critique it just seems very hypocritical of you after saying name calling was hurting the forum. Its the judgemental people that hurt forums the most.


Let’s just agree to disagree and move on

Do I personally get offended by vaginal bottleopener? no. However, like JasonR said… to the extent Inventables (a business) wants their own forum to be a welcoming to kids and women… I see it perfectly fine to discourage that kind of stuff. Sure you can ignore it but it also screams “boys club” at the same time.

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Shouldn’t it be 21+ rating since it involves alcohol. The entire topic is beer openers after all. :thinking:


How can you edit someone’s post? Are you a secret moderator?!!

I was wondering the same thing but didn’t care enough to dig deeper.

Phil is just, well…Phil :sunglasses:


OMG!!! I can’t believe you used “nude women@ and “Wood” in the same sentence. Shameful!!

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Hey folks, as mentioned earlier in this thread and previously in other threads, our forum users include women and children and this type of content is not appropriate considering. There are plenty of other places outside of this forum that would be more appropriate to share this type of content. This topic is closed.