Might i suggest moving the magnet down further. you get a 12 pack of caps on there and it’ll be difficult to get a bottle under the opener. That’s just the lazy side of me talking, let the caps build up as much as possible till you HAVE to take them off.
I’m going to make the catch bucket on some. Probably give the option. Some it looks better without depending on the phrase or image. The dollar here and there definitely add up over time, but even with the magnet cost added in…you should make a hefty profit.
My first bottle opener attempt made with Easel Pro and Vcarved. This was a birthday present for a Co-worker also. 3 coats of shellac and 2 coats of Helmsman Semi-Gloss Indoor/Outdoor Spar Urethane. For the bottom, I cut six 1" diameter holes to a depth of .7, leaving a thin ~.05 and glued 6 cheap magnets in that I got from Lowes.
Think there would be anything wrong with just going to town on the carvings, not considering the magnet, bucket, etc. for the caps, then figuring that out after? Be nice to just churn out a ton of different backs, then maybe have the option for others to choose what they wanted or even to just eyes it and see which style looks best with what design.
I’ve been using the premium pine at Lowes. I use a 1/16’ downcut for them. Could do two stage with a 1/8" to clear more out quicker, but just a 1/16’ adds only a few minutes total carve time and I don’t have to mess with changing the bit and zeroing the Z again. I use 55ipm feed, 15ipm plunge and .02" depth per pass.
A good tip I picked up from someone on the forum (can’t remember who).
If you search google images for what you are looking for e.g “funny beer” then on the results page just under the search bar select ‘settings’ then change ‘any color’ to ‘black & white’. Much more accurate than adding Black and White to your search.